Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm going to try this again...

After more than a year off, I've decided to get back on the wagon.  You will start to see more posts least by me.  Runningman, J2T, and the Yellow Dart are pretty worthless, so I wouldn't hold my breath for them.  Besides, J2T is too busy soiling himself at the prospect that Albert Pujols may not retire a Cardinal.  I'm not sure I want to tackle that topic yet.  I have many theories...most of them far-fetched.  Some involve aliens!  

At any rate, I changed the look of the blog to make it seem like I really did some work to get this going again.  Besides that, I think it really classes up the joint.  I'll sell myself out right now and tell you the changes took less than 5 minutes.

Check out the comment to the one post from 2010.  I'm glad our international friends decided to take an interest in this blog.  

 Błędny rycerz said...
Przyjaźń jest jak ognisko: gaśnie gdy zalewasz je wodą lub przestajesz dokładać do niego paliwo.

I had no idea what this meant, so I put it in Google Translate:
Friendship is like fire: it extinguishes the saturating water or an explicit stop its fuel. 

Let's get two things straight if you are going to comment on this blog.

#1. Speak English, dammit!
#2. Form a coherent thought for fuck's sake.

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